
Pine, pine, pine! It’s everywhere and good for just about everything. We have:

Monterey pine (Pinus Radiata)

We have two types: Native trees from Cambria which have a typical old-growth pattern of few small knots, tighter ring structure, and low taper per log. These characteristics are excellent for structural uses and siding. The other type of log we get comes from planted trees. These grow faster and have bigger knots, which in a bar or countertop adds more artistic appeal.

Gray, Digger, or Ghost pine (Pinus Sabiana)

From hot dry interior SLO County, these trees with wispy long grey needles have wood that is even harder than Monterey pine. The outside of the logs under the bark can be oddly attractive in part-log furniture.

Ponderosa Pine (Pinus Ponderosa)

Lighter in color and softer, Ponderosa is easier to work. Ours comes from the Sierras as windfall or bark beetle kill.

Canary Island Pine (Pinus Canariensis)

Also called yellow pine, is a non-native tree with very high quality lumber.

Aleppo Pine (Pinus Halepensis)

Another widely planted non-native makes good lumber.

Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria Heterophylla)

Extremely frost sensitive, this southern hemisphere conifer grows with distinctive horizontal whorls of limbs along the coast. The knot structure makes interesting slabs.